Policy & Procedures

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Library use procedure...

1. Patrons must have a library card to check out materials or use public computers.
2. Children under 12 must be on their parents' or guardians' card.
3. There is only one card per household.
4. Patrons must have a valid Oklahoma driver's license and current utility bill or canceled mail addressed to their current address or a check with address printed on it.
5. First time users are limited to 1 item per person in the household. If the items are returned by the due date, 3 books per person with a limit of 15 total items checked out at one time.
6. Books, magazines books on compact disc and audio cassetteshave a 14-day loan period, new fiction books and music compact discs have a 7-day loan period and video cassettes and DVD's have a 2-day loan period.
7. Books may be renewed by bringing the book in for renewal. If there is a waiting list for the item it can not be renewed.
8. Prior month issues of magazines can be checked out. Current month issues are for library use only.
9. Inter-library loan is available for all patrons. A $2.00 per item mailing fee is collected at the time the item is requested.
10. There is a grace period before fines start. Fines are 10 cents per day up to a maximum of $2.00 per item.

Public Computer Policy....
1. You must have a library card to use the computers.
2. Users are limited to one hour of computer use one time per day.
3. If the patron has overdue library books or fines they will not be allowed to use the computer.
4. Use of public computers is on first-come, first-serve, basis.
5. Use of computer printers is 15 cents per page.
6. Downloading programs or loading programs from disk or CD ROM is strictly forbidden.
7. Use of the network to access obscene, objectionable or pornographic material is prohibited.
8. For the safety of the patron you should not use your full name or give personal information out over the web.
9. Do not open e-mail from sources you are not familiar with.
10. Library staff is not responsible for technical difficulties with the computer. The staff will assist as time and abilities allow.
11. Access to these computers is a privilege, not a right.
12. Violation of any part of the policy will result in the cancellation of all computer privileges.

Rules, Regulations and Statutes that we follow:

For more information on Laws and Regulations Affecting Oklahoma Libraries

Open Meetings

Open Records Act

Chandler Public Library
1021 Manvel
Chandler, OK 74834